Dance Events for 2016

Dance Dates for your Diary.
Here are our main events for 2016. Put them in your diary and plan the rest of the year around your dancing.
Sunday 6th March -Open Day and Bridge Road Gathering.
Bring along your friends and family and make a day of it. Free dance workshops for you to try out different dances or bully your friends into giving it a go. Lots of dance performances dance demonstrations and great music. Also a brilliant day to have a wander on Bridge Rd. and check out all the delicious food on offer. More about this soon!
Saturday 21st May -Dance Party and Medal Night.
A great dance event for everyone. Student performances, great music, loads of dancing. For medal exam performers progress checks are 7th May.
Saturday 2nd July -Winter Dance and Championship dance draw.
A fantastic afternoon of dancing and music. Also, find out who will be dancing what in the World of Dance Championship.
Saturday 6th August -World of Dance Championship.
The biggest dance competition event of the year. Thrills and spills a plenty. Massive $1000 cash prize. Strictly limited places. Entries open 1st June. Get in quick to secure your place.
Saturday 22nd October -Dance Party and Medal Night.
A great dance event for everyone. Student performances, great music, loads of dancing. For medal exam performers progress checks are 8th October.
Saturday 17th December -Christmas dance party.
Final event of the year, including Tom’s famous christmas quiz!