World of Dance Championship 2017

World of Dance Championship 2017

We held the draw on Saturday and we now have the line up for the big night. Some competitors were delighted with their given style,  some had never tried that particular dance but were up for the challenge and some screamed in terror and prayed to a higher power for help.

Each dancer will perform a uniquely choreographed routine in the dance style that was chosen at random. They have just five weeks to learn and then perform it on Saturday 8th July at Phoenix. An independent judge will select the champion who will win the title of Phoenix Dance Studio’s World of Dance Champion 2017 which comes with a $1000 cash prize

Make sure to get your tickets for Saturday 8th July for a great night of dancing and to cheer and stamp and clap for everyone performing that evening.

So here they are, the brave and the bold:Untitled